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Miaoli Detention Center, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Life management measures

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2022-12-19
  • View count:424


Human management:
For the management of inmates, the prison upholds the principle of generous life care and strict disciplinary in order to correct their bad habitual behavior, to change their temperament, to inspire by human dignity, to shape their self-discipline conduct.


Strict enforce of decontamination area :
Any person, vehicle, commodity is required to have a scrutiny individually and raid inspection to prevent illegal items.

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Respecting two-way of communication:
Each worksite establishes a suggestion box and hold monthly meeting. Widely gather an opinion to build up good interaction relationship, and take it as reference of disciplinary measures.


Expertize the profession of manager:
Scheduled Prison practice, prison regulations, the penal code, penal law suit, counseling, grappling technique, restraints, firearms, riot control drill annual education courses, and organize regular riot, fire drills, etc periodically.


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