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Miaoli Detention Center, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Health and Hygiene

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2021-02-09
  • View count:1457


Have a health check and archiving for new inmates:

A medical check will be arranged to sieve the case with severe illness out, and to have them a clinic, as for chronic diseases will be tracked consistently. We usually have medical lectures, emergency trainings, disinfections, vaccinating, etc., to maintain the quality of hygiene.   

英文版-抽血     英文版-醫師看診


Medical care:

The hygiene-medical care system combined with regional network transmission, from registration, clinics to dispensing prescription medicine, and drugs management which are all of computerization. There are various specialist clinics serving for in-prison inmates, which are supported by family medicine,
Rehabilitation, psychiatric, infectious diseases, dental, Gastroenterology, etc., to maintain inmates’ health. Furthermore, reach the goal of autonomous medical care.

bb_X光    英文版-急救 

英文版-清掃  英文版-健康檢查



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