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Miaoli Detention Center, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Inmate living

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2021-03-04
  • View count:1477

Inmate living


Inmates are provided with staple and non-staple foods in quantities in accordance with regulations. A portion of operating profits is allocated to supplement the meal budget each month, and a portion of Employee Store profit is allocated to supplement yearly living expenses. Besides extra dishes at new years and holidays, Provide fruit three times a Week.

bb舍房  bb炊場

Also, a meal improvement team has been formed with the secretary as director to summon the section chiefs of Security, General Affairs, Accounting, and Kitchen supervisor, Provision supervisor, and representatives from each quarters. The monthly meeting convenes to attain the goal of meeting nutrition, health, quantity, and quality requirements.


Establish new stainless steel central kitchen, clean the cooking appliances everyday, and provide nutrition and health food for inmates. Weekly menu is posted on the bulletin board in the meeting room, also display the meals in the display cabinet for visitors. Monthly meetings are held to review for dietary improvement.


Provide Bright and spacious accommodation shed, distribute sufficient T-shirt, long sleeve pants and jacket according to the season.

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